Why is Relapse Prevention Important?
Why is Relapse Prevention Important?

Why is Relapse Prevention Important?

Why is Relapse Prevention Important?

Relapses are common for people with chronic illnesses. Despite the fact that many would like to believe otherwise, completing detox is only the first step in the long road to recovery. Accepting the root causes of one’s addiction and working tirelessly to overcome them are both necessary for a successful recovery.

It’s important to remember that just because you’ve had a relapse in the past doesn’t mean you have to return to your old ways of living. You can increase the frequency with which you attend treatment and strengthen your focus on the treatments that have been shown to address the underlying causes of your addiction. The client is typically given the tools they need to deal with their triggers in the real world after undergoing these treatments.

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as a Method for Maintaining Long-Term Sobriety – cognitive therapy that aims to help patients reflect on and modify their responses to challenging events.
  • Medication – offered by a doctor at a rehab center. These medications are non-addictive and used as relapse prevention aid along with other therapies.
  • Group Therapies – addiction groups are a great pillar after rehab treatment. These meetings are great ways to meet others who are on the same path to recovery as you are.

Why is Willpower to quit drugs not enough?

The belief that one is not capable of making a full recovery is a common obstacle to overcoming. The individual lacks the strength or willpower believed to be necessary for a successful recovery. Relapses in the past are used to conclude that a person does not possess the necessary resources to make a full recovery. Clients in cognitive therapy are better able to understand that it is their ability to adapt to challenging situations that will ultimately determine their success in the recovery process.

Abstinence from Drugs is not enough

The number one rule of recovery is that abstinence alone is not enough. Step one in recovery is to make changes that make it less difficult to use again. If people don’t make any changes, the circumstances that led to their addiction will eventually grow.

There is hope when you reach out for help! Contact ARCA rehabs today for the treatment options available.

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