Rehab Costs Less Than Addiction

Rehab Costs Less Than Addiction

Rehab costs less than addiction – it’s a fact. If you’re considering seeking treatment for a drug or alcohol addiction, the expense of drug rehab should never prevent you from seeking rehab therapy or another sort of treatment that’s right for you.

Medical Aid Coverage for Rehab

Treatment for substance abuse can be classified as highly intensive or mildly intensive. Occasionally, more intense services or higher levels of care are more expensive than less intensive services or lower levels of care – however insurance frequently covers even the most intensive levels of addiction treatment therapy, depending on the facility and coverage.

From most intensive to least intensive, here are some options:


Detoxification is the process of safely removing drugs and alcohol from the body.   Detoxification is often the initial step in drug and alcohol treatment. Medical supervision and interventions are often offered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Inpatient Rehab

Inpatient treatment is similar to medical detox but less intense. Inpatient therapy provides 24/7 mental health and addiction care. The goal of this stage of treatment is to help you understand your addiction and create healthy ways of thinking and acting without using narcotics. Inpatient therapy might last from a few weeks to a few months or perhaps a year. This will affect the pricing and type of services you receive.

Outpatient Rehab 

Outpatient therapy is less restricted than medical detox and inpatient rehab and less expensive.  Outpatient treatment includes individual, support group, and group therapy. Aims to help your recovery and expand on the skills and insights gained in inpatient rehab.

The Price of Drug Abuse When compared to the cost of rehabilitation

Substance misuse and addiction can have a terrible impact on every aspect of your life. The costs of drug usage can be substantial and irreversible, and they can include:3

  • Difficulty adhering to personal duties, which might result in negative consequences such as job loss.
  • Conflict in close ties between family and friends.
  • Withdrawal and physical dependence
  • Dangerous activities and poor judgment.
  • Changes in the brain as well as other health issues

The financial cost of drug and alcohol misuse is enormous. ARCA rehab in Johannesburg understands the impact addiction has on society and individuals. We provide a personalized addiction rehabilitation strategy based on the needs of each patient. Make an appointment with us today.

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