Fear of Rehab
Fear of Rehab

Fear of Rehab | Life without drugs

Fear of Rehab

Fear of Rehab is common among addicts. Some don’t know what to expect and are fearful of the unknown. They won’t know anyone there and the environment is “unfamiliar”.

Other addicts are fearful of facing life without their drugs when they leave rehab. It is normal for an addict to fear going to treatment. They are afraid it will be painful and uncomfortable. This happens mostly with opiate addicts who fear withdrawals.

Many fear failure or disappointment. Recovery is a constant fight and sometimes it takes a few times in treatment to get it right. It is a relapsing condition and you might doubt yourself, but there are people who have succeeded despite being fearful. Fear of success in recovery comes from the thought of how living life on life’s terms will feel. For those who have been using most of their lives, this can be very scary.

Recovery is an emotional journey

You will feel emotions in recovery, but there are others in rehab who can help you get through it and you will find healing. Fear of feeling all those emotions is normal and many in recovery have faced those demons successfully in the safety of rehab. Don’t let fear stop you from getting the help you deserve. Fear is motivation enough that something is wrong and that if you don’t reach out things will never change.

Facing your fears of rehab

If you are fearful of going into rehab treatment remember being stuck in active addiction for life is a far worse option. Facing your fears can be overwhelming when making a huge life-changing decision. It’s a natural response at any part of recovery.

In rehab, you are taught how to live life clean through a program. This helps to teach an addict a new way of living and if done daily does work.

There is comfort in the fact that a rehab center with detox in place will make it a calm and pain-free experience in a peaceful environment.

You will be surrounded by others in rehab who understand and have no judgment. There are others experiencing the same feelings and fears as you, so you are not alone. Many have said it was a place where they finally found their people and made good connections with others in rehab.

Instead of allowing your fears to control your decisions, use it to be even more of a reason why you need rehab.

For assistance with fear of rehab contact ARCA JHB.

 ARCA JHB Drug and alcohol treatment programs

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