What is Drug Addiction Intervention?
REHAB ADDICTION INTERVENTION is a procedure by which an addict is guided into a treatment facility or counselling session in an objective, caring and non-judgmental way; the interventionist is diplomatic yet assertive.
Family members or loved ones will find no easy way to guide the addict into care as the addict is more often than not caught up in a cycle of denial and fear, fuelled by shame and resentment.
The addict suffers deep inner pain and is usually too proud to admit this or ask for help. For addicts, taking drugs is a means of coping with all the emotional, physical, and mental anguish experienced and this keeps them trapped in the vicious cycle of addiction. The family has reached their wit’s end and no longer knows what to do; their lives have been turned upside down. They’re worried sick, fearing what news the next phone call or knock on the door will bring. Their every waking moment becomes weighed down with serious concerns, fears, frustrations, emotional trauma and a desperate need to resolve the drug situation.
By this time, the family or loved one believes that the drug addict has been lying to them, deceiving them, manipulating them and mouthing empty promises. The family may have tried to sit the drug addict down in the past, in an attempt to confront the drug problem but were only met with anger, hostility, lies and the addict minimising the problem. Thus, the family has become apprehensive about confronting the addict, fearing that s/he might leave home, and that anxiety would be more difficult to deal with than the psychodrama caused by the drug problem.
Help for Drug Addiction Intervention
For more about drug addiction intervention, get in touch with ARCA rehabs today!